Dezember 2024


Linus "Bluesmaster Tele"


Hoyer 3060


Linus Cabronita - Alutop



I chose black bindings.

As the guitar is going to get a burst a bright binding would be usual. I decided for this look because I felt it makes it look more quiet and serene. But that’s a matter of taste and has no influence on the way the instrument sounds. The body will get a multi binding.

However we start the job on the f-holes.We use a single stripe of black ABS.

After the glue has cured I clean everything with the scraper and the top is glued on. Next we can put on the binding around the body. The binding on the top is made of four stripes. Beyond that I add two very thin stripes onto the side.


First the thin one the side is routed. That’s for technical reasons. Next ist he outer one and finally the inner binding is done.

Material sizes are: The stripe on the side is 1 mm high and 1 mm thick. The outer binding is 5 mm high and 2.2 mm wide. The inner tripple binding is 1.5 mm high and 1.8 mm thick.


Here too, after everything has cured, I clean up with the scraper. Then I sand once more and the body is finished so far.