Dezember 2024


Linus "Bluesmaster Tele"


Hoyer 3060


Linus Cabronita - Alutop


Construction & Materials

I want to do a few adjustments on this Thinline LP concerning appearance and electronics.

I have built a sample before to optimise the single building steps.

Material to be used is European maple.

Having built a Thinline two years ago I can make use of the experiences made at that time.

Construction of the body covers top, middle section and back. I will brace the neck as usual on jazz guitars – obtaining the best possible stability is what I am striving for.

The optical and technical adjustments will be at the back, at the neck assembly, cutaway and neck angle. More details will be shown when we come to the single steps.


I started producing the templates. As usual I used scrap resin board that I got for free.

The wood comes from one single tree and allows the top, back and middle section to be made as one whole part each.

My friend Edi helped me to reduce the selected 50 mm thick plank to the required thickness with his planer. My tool wouldn’t have done the job as ist is too small for such a piece of wood. So, thanks a lot to Edwin Konzett!

As mentioned before I brace the neck for technical reasons. I prepare three parts, two dimensioned 20 mm, one 13 mm. In between come strips made of maple and rosewood. All parts are glued and fixed in a press. Usually this is done with clamps. I was lucky to be able to use the press and keep the wood in it for quite a while in the joinery where the material was prepared. Can’t get it any better!

As you can see in the pictures I made the parts a little wider. From 910x80x60 mm I get 2 necks with less wasted material and only one time doing the job. As time goes by you start working a bit more efficiently.

I want to make use of the opportunity to express my gratitude to the joinery where I can prepare my materials.


To give you an overview I list up all the sizes once more:

Top: 500x335x17 mm

Back: 500x335x26 mm

Centre part: 500x335x30 mm

Neck: 910x80x60 (for 2 necks)

The fretboard will be made of ebony and the guitar will of course get bindings.


So far for the basic information for this instrument which unfortunately will not be mine in the future.